Stop Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT)

A safeguarding initiative led by Derbyshire Police, working with Children’s Social Care, Health Services, schools and other agencies. It is an early notification system for schools, to quickly notify them of any incidents of domestic abuse where the Police have attended a household where children live.

Domestic Abuse comes in many forms including: Psychological, Physical, Sexual, Financial and Emotional

Witnessing domestic abuse is distressing and scary and causes serious harm to children. They may experience any of the following as a result:

  • anxiety and depression

  • difficulty sleeping

  • nightmares

  • easily startled

  • physical reactions, such as tummy aches or headaches

  • bed wetting

  • display challenging behaviour

  • display inappropriately aged behaviour

  • refusing to go to school

  • display aggressive behaviour

  • poor self-worth

  • self-harm

  • difficulty forming positive relationships

They may feel:

  • guilty - because they think they have done something wrong

  • powerless - because they can't stop the violence

  • confused - because it doesn't make sense

  • angry - because it shouldn't be happening

  • sad - because it's a loss

  • afraid - because they may be hurt, they may lose someone they love, others may find out

  • alone - because they think it is only happening to them

SDAT Notifications

Our aim is to ensure children are protected from the impact of domestic abuse.  Schools are notified so that they can observe and offer appropriate support to children who have been involved in, or witnessed, a domestic abuse incident.

Information will be received securely and confidentially by the Safeguarding Team.

All schools have a duty to share any information with other organisations if they feel a child is at risk of harm.