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Home Learning for Year 6

Hello Year 6,

Mr Helliwell here! I thought I’d start off my message by letting you know what I’ve been doing since school closed. Firstly, I’ve been trying to take the opportunity to get fit – as my daily exercise I have been for a run most days and for a walk on the other days. As well as exercise and doing work for school, I have been watching a lot of sports documentaries in the absence of live sport and have also been watching all of the MARVEL films in order. I hope you are managing to keep occupied and entertained too!

As Mrs Collins mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I have created myself a timetable for school days – this has really helped to give me some structure and to make sure I am being productive. Don’t forget though, that it is important to plan time for play as well as work – it is best to break work up with things that you enjoy. Now for the serious part. The move from primary to secondary school is a big one and one that you need to be as prepared as possible for. Therefore, it is extremely important that you are keeping up to date with the work that we are setting for you on the school website. This work covers learning and skills that secondary schools will expect you to know and have. Your main motivation for keeping up to date with the work should be to make sure that you are as ready as you can be for secondary school in September.

Keep working hard. Keep on being active. Keep entertained. Keep enjoying time with family. Most importantly, keep on staying safe!

We miss you all! Mr Helliwell and the year 6 team.

Work to Support home learning from 27th April 2020:
Click here to download the document

The links in the document will not work,
so please use the ones below:

Monday Literacy

Tuesday RE

Thursday Spanish and MORE here

Art Lesson

Research land art: look at artists like Richard Long. TASK: List 10 things you have learnt about land art. 

A great website that tells you what land art is and how to do it: LAND ART FOR KIDS

Richard Long Links:


Facts about Richard Long

James Cohan

On your daily exercise/walk/hour outside, look for natural elements you could use e.g. dandelion heads, leaves and stones if you were one of these artists.


Read the following story by clicking the link below:

There is a lot of action in the story i.e. the firebird takes an apple, the prince searches the kingdom. Cut up a piece of paper into smaller pieces or use post it notes if you have them. Write a verb on each one appropriate to describing a moment in the story. Fill an empty jar or bowl with these and take it in turns with a family member to pick one out. Act it out and have the other person guess what is written on the paper.