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Contact the Year 6 Team on: year6@dale.derby.sch.uk

Home Learning for Year 6

Well, what a strange Easter holiday this turned out to be! We hope you have been filling your days with new and exciting experiences and enjoying precious quality time with your families. It has been tough for some but we must remember to be grateful and positive for what we DO have! Use this as an opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries.

For those of you who have family members that work for the NHS or other key worker roles, we would like to say a big ‘thank you.’ We are all grateful for their efforts and their hard work.

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Stay positive guys and don’t forget, you can share with us all the work you have been doing by emailing us at year6@dale.derby.sch.uk.  We’d love to see it.

We are missing you lots and hope that we can all get back to normal as soon as possible. Stay safe, stay home and stay positive  :)

Miss Buchanan and the Year 6 Team!

Home Learning for Year 6 week commencing: 20th April 2020
Click here to download the document to your desktop

The links in the document will not work. Please use the ones below:

Literacy Shed: War and Peace
Islamic Symbols
BBC Bitesize Science
Spanish - Word Reference

Y6 MATHS Home Learning 20.04.20-3.png

Art and Design Learning

Lesson 1: PATTERN

  1. What is a pattern?

  2. Can you find any examples of patterns around you at home now?

  3. What makes a pattern interesting?

  4. Using the internet, research and present a poster on one of the following artists who heavily use pattern in their work.

Gustav Klimt

CLICK HERE to learn more about Klimt

The following images are very suitable for young children:

  • The Kiss

  • Accomplishment

  • Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer

  • The Tree of Life

Henri Matisse

View Matisse’ Cut Outs on the Tate Modern Website

Facts about Matisse on Kiddle.com

A short biography of Matisse on ducksters.com

Who is Henry Matisse? Questions answered at the Tate

Short video all about Matisse (just over 3 minutes)

Famous Matisse Images:

  • Pale blue window

  • Large decoration with masks

  • The sheaf

Lesson 2: LAND ART

  1. Take some time to do some online research about ‘land art’, look at artists like Richard Long.

  2. List 10 things you have learnt about land art.

  3. On your daily exercise/walk/hour outside, look for natural elements you could use e.g. dandelion heads, leaves, and stones if you were one of these artists.


Create a piece of pattern work using one of the following techniques:

Shape toilet or kitchen roll tubes: Dip these tubes in paint and print onto a piece of paper to build up a pattern. Take inspiration from nature (your walk last week) and the artists Gustav Klimt and Henri Matisse.

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or Collect nature from your local surroundings and create land art like Long, to show your own expression of pattern.

Make sure you photograph whatever you create and email us on year6@dale.derby.sch.uk!


Lesson 1:

Read the following story by clicking the link below:

Make and decorate a paper plane like the firebird. Be sure to fly it!

Lesson 2:

There is a lot of action in the story i.e. the firebird takes an apple, the prince searches the kingdom etc.

Cut up a piece of paper into smaller pieces or use post it notes if you have them.

Write a verb on each one appropriate to describing a moment in the story.

Fill an empty jar or bowl with these and take it in turns with a family member to pick one out.

Act it out and have the other person guess what is written on the paper.

Lesson 3:

Write a poem based on this story. It could be a shape poem (firebird) and use some of the verbs from the last lesson. It could be a narrative poem (tells a story). It could rhyme but doesn’t have to.

For inspiration, here is a verse I have written:

A contented king with treasures a plenty,
Loved his riches and sons but most of all his garden
With a tree that blossomed golden apples, at least twenty.
When one day one was stolen (a crime so bold, he could not pardon)