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Home Learning for Year 6

Work to Support home learning from 18th May 2020:
Click here to download the document

Hi guys, I hope you are all well.  Here we are, in another week of lockdown!

Teachers and TA’s have been calling to speak to you and your parents and it has been a pleasure talking to you and hearing about what you have been doing during your time at home. It is nice to hear that so many of you have been working hard and doing your best to complete the home learning.  Remember, have a go at the work that we are setting. Continue to develop your skills, knowledge and build resilience and determination as that will help you in the future.

I know for many of you it is Ramadan and from what your parents have been saying this has been one of the easier ones, as you have been able to rest during the day!!! Miss Wilson has asked me to remind you all about the Rainbow Challenge.  She would love to able to create a fantastic exhibit should we return.  You can find details about the challenge on the Dale website homepage. Take care and stay safe Year 6.  Remember to get in touch using the Year 6 email address if you need our help or just want to show us what you have done.

Miss Buchanan and the Year 6 team.

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