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If your child lives in Derby and is due to start reception in September 2025 you will need to apply to Derby City Council for a school place. CLICK HERE to APPLY (from 3rd November 2024).

The deadline for applications: 15th January 2025.

The National Offer Day will be: 16th April 2025.

The Admissions Team considers the application against schools admissions criteria.  If these schools have not reached their Published Admission Number, a place will be offered.  If any school is over its Published Admission Number, the application will be refused and the right of appeal offered. The Admissions Team will write to parents informing them of the outcome of their application, together with the notification of the right to appeal if applicable. The school is also sent notification that a place has been allocated by the Admissions Team and the pupil will be admitted into the school by the date stated on the letter; usually between two to three weeks from the date of application. No pupil will be refused access to school as a result of disability. School, parents and the Local Authority will work together to ensure appropriate support and access to school is provided.

CLICK HERE to view our SEND Policy, including our Accessibility Information. For all other policies, CLICK HERE.

Schools have no part in the admissions process. Please contact admissions at Derby CIty Council on 01332 6642729 if you have any questions.

Click here to view our over-subscription criteria.

Appeals for applications made in the normal admissions round must be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals.

When applying for a place, remember:

  • Most schools in Derby city have catchment area criteria. Children living in the catchment area are given a higher priority when places are offered.
    We recommend that one of the schools on your application is your catchment school.

  • Please name up to three infant or primary schools. This can include schools outside of Derby city.

  • If you are applying for a place in a Roman Catholic school, you will also need to fill out a supplementary application form.

  • The admissions process for children with a Statement of Special Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan is different.
    Click here for more information regarding SEND applications.

The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. You can also apply by telephone on 01332 642730. 
Alternatively, you can request a paper application using the same telephone number.


School admission authorities are required to provide admission for all children in the September following their fourth birthday. However, a child is not required to start school until they have reached compulsory school age following their fifth birthday.

For summer born children, parents can request that their child attends part-time until they reach compulsory school age or that the date their child is admitted to school is deferred until after in the same academic year. Where parents consider sending their summer born children to school in the September after their fifth birthday and request that they enter the reception class in September instead of the Year 1class, the admission authority is required to make the decision based on the individual circumstances of each case.

Please note, you will still need to make an application for delayed entry at the normal time and before the closing date in January, as well as submitting an application for a place in the current round.

Primary School Admissions
The Council House
Corporation Street
(t): 01332 642729

Are you thinking of changing schools during a school year? Click on the button below for more details of how to apply and all the things to consider before making the move.