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Family Learning

Improve your English - Mondays - 1.45pm - 3.15pm

Tuition Groups

We are keen to ensure that all children make the best possible progress, particularly in Reading, Writing and Maths.  We provide a number of After School Tuition Groups to help children develop these skills.

Most clubs are led by our own teaching staff but we also offer an online Maths club where children work one to one with a tutor.

Decisions about who can access these clubs are made by teachers who carefully consider which children they think will benefit most.  If you would like your child to be considered for one of our After School Tuition Groups please speak to their class teacher.

Young Voices Choir

Thursdays 3.25pm - 4pm, Years 4, 5 and 6.

Sports Clubs

Mr Charlie and Mr Kooner will distribute letters to students who show an interest in attending after school sports clubs… The timetable for these clubs is below. Please return letters to the sports team to book your children onto these sessions from 16th September. Spaces are limited and a waiting list may be implemented.

Please collect your children prompty from the main entrance. Parents must give permission for YR5 and YR6 children to walk home alone. Please contact Mr Charlie or Mr Kooner on 01332 760070 to book a place. Places are limited and must be agreed before children attend any sessions.