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Welcome to Dale Primary School, a place where diversity is celebrated and everyone is included.

We are a mainstream school, that provides education to approximately 550 pupils between the ages of 4-11. We are federated with Stonehill Nursery School, who provide nursery education to 2-4 year olds. SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability. Many children will have special educational needs of some kind during their time in education. Schools and other organisations can help most children overcome the barriers their difficulties present quickly and easily. A few children will need extra help for some or all of their time in school.The Code of Practice 2015 states that:

‘A student has SEND where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, that is different from or additional to that normally available to Children and Young People of the same age.’

Our Inclusion Manager and SENCO is Mrs Murfin, coordinates support for children with additional needs throughout the school and nursery.

We have a number of highly-trained SEND Teaching Assistants and staff recieve regular training, providing them with the skills to support pupils with additional needs, including epilepsy awareness, and the use of epi-pens.

Class teachers are happy to discuss any day-to-day needs and enquiries and our SEND Governor is Mr A Mahmood.

Please see below for more information.

You may contact Mrs Murfin via email on: or call and make an appointment with her or another member of the inclusion team on 01332 760070. Mrs Murfin does have some teaching commitments but will arrange to meet with you as soon as she can. Please note, she is the SENCO at Stonehill Nursery all day Friday.

Mrs Murfin - SENCO
& Inclusion Manager


We value and celebrate each child and encourage them to express their views on all aspects of school life. This is usually carried out through regular meetings of the School Council.

If your child has an EHCP, they will be involved in adding their views to the writing and reviewing of their outcomes as appropriate to the age and communication abilities of the child.

We also use the following strategies to communicate with our pupils:

  • Pupil Voice Questionnaires

  • School Council

  • Annual Reviews

  • Personal Interviews

The school recognises the importance of communication with parents. There are many ways that school will contact parents to discuss issues, assess progress, plan transitions and to discuss support at home. School and Parent communication is available through the following:

  • Telephone

  • Email

  • Teacher/Teaching Assistant/Head teacher meetings

  • Parents’ evenings

  • Review meetings

  • Parent view questionnaires

  • Inclusion Officers

  • MEP Targets

  • School website and useful links

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress or that your child has an unmet special educational need, you should at first speak to your child’s class teacher. If your concerns are not dealt with in this instance, contact the school’s Inclusion Manager.


We are on hand to support in anyway we can. If you cannot find an answer below, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Dale Community Primary School federated with Stonehill Nursery is a mainstream school which takes pupils from age 2-11. Currently we have 545 pupils on roll at Dale and 78 part time places at Stonehill. Both schools are set in an urban area with our main access off the street.  We do not have any parking for parents. At Dale we have 21 classrooms and two large halls.  One is used for PE, the other is used for lunchtimes, PE and assemblies.  Our downstairs classrooms have level access and there are two disabled toilets, one of which has a hoist.  Our 8 upstairs classrooms can only be accessed by a flight of stairs.  The Foundation Stage pupils have access to their own outside play area. Pupils in Year 3 and above use Normanton Park for outdoor PE lessons. Stonehill Nursery have a large teaching space with small enclosed group activity rooms.  The outside space contains a range of play equipment.  The nursery is all on one level with a ramp and wide doorways to access to the building.

Our Accessibility Plan outlines admissions arrangements for SEND pupils and our Admissions page has links to the online application form. Admissions to Dale comes through Derby City central admissions arrangements.  Admissions to Stonehill are dealt with by the school and nursery staff. We are an inclusive school and will aim to make arrangements to enable pupils living in our catchment area to be fully included in the activities of our school.

The SEND Code of Practice outlines additional measures the Local Authority must set up for preventing and resolving disagreements. CLICK HERE to view SECTION 6 of the SEND Code of Practice. These will be explained to parents if required.

All concerns about the provision for children with special educational needs are to be made using our school Complaints Policy which can be found on our school website. If you wish to complain, we always suggest you come and speak to us first to try and resolve any issues. If this does not meet your requirements, you can complain in writing to the Chair of Governors at the school. Please see the Complaints Policy for full details.

External Support for Families

Neuro Developmental Community Hub
St James Centre, Malcolm Street, Derby, DE23 8LU

The Derby City Hub is run by Citizens Advice Mid Mercia who provide advice and guidance to parents and carers. Experienced staff who have both personal and professional expertise can support families to develop strategies to help manage their situation prior to referral for assessment, following referral or post diagnosis.

 Parents and carers can simply contact the hub themselves to make an appointment or drop-in. ND covers a wide range of hidden neurological conditions including Autism, ADHD and Foetal alcohol syndrome.

Hub Opening Hours

Calls, booked appointments and drop-ins:

Monday – Thursday 10am – 1.30pm
Friday 10am – 1pm

Contact the Hub

Call on either 07561 856320 or 01332 604080 (try mobile first)
or email

Concerns about admissions, statutory assessments of Special Educational Needs, or school re- organisation proposals may be raised with Derby City Council, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS, telephone 01332 640000.