What training is provided for your SEND staff?
Our Inclusion Manager is working towards achieving the National SENCO Qualification. Staff have attended an array of specialist SEND training including:
Emotion coaching
Lego Therapy
Diabetes Training
Enteral Feeding
The Inclusion Manager is responsible for:
Developing and reviewing the school’s SEND Information report/policy
Co-ordinating all the support for students with special educational needs or disabilities
Updating the school’s SEND register (a system ensuring that all the SEND needs are known in school) and making sure those records of your child’s progress and needs are kept up to date and are confidential
Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school. So that they can help students with SEND in the school to achieve the best possible progress
They are also responsible for ensuring that you are:
Involved in supporting your child’s learning
Kept informed about the support your child is receiving
Involved in reviewing how your child is doing
Liaising with all other agencies which may be involved with your child e.g. Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Behaviour Support Service, Social Care and Health Service
There is an ongoing professional development programme throughout the school year which addresses areas of SEND within the school.
Differentiation, including for pupils with specific learning difficulties
Access arrangements for National Curriculum Tests
Information regarding specific conditions
Working with the Code of Practice 2015
Using specialist medical equipment and administering medicines
Attachment difficulties
Autism Champion
Induction training for any new staff at Dale Community Primary School and Stonehill Nursery School
Supporting children with SEMH needs
Identification of SEND pupils with EAL (English as an Additional Language)
When needed, specialist expertise training will be received from external services.