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8.40am - School Opens

8.50am - School Gates Close
If families are late, children must go into the school office.

9.00am - Registration

11.45am - Foundation Stage lunchtime begins

12.00pm - Key Stage 1 lunchtime begins

12.15pm - Key Stage 2 lunchtime begins

1.00pm - Lunchtime ends for Foundation Stage

1.15pm - Lunchtime ends for Key Stage 1

1.15pm - Lunchtime ends for Key Stage 2

3.15pm - End of day (staggered finish begins)

In each full week, school is open for 32 hours and 50 minutes.

RIGHT ON TIME...  It is important that children should not arrive at School before 8.50 a.m. as we are not able to supervise them before this time.  All children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are expected to stay in school for lunch.  If children in Key Stage 2 go home for lunch, please ensure that they do not return to School before 1.05pm.


If your child is absent from School because of illness or any other reason, please let us know by telephone as soon as possible.
If you are unable to telephone, please contact us in person or send a letter to the School as soon as possible.  School does not authorise holidays in term time. If you do not contact us, a telephone call will be made asking you the reason for the child’s absence.  The School has a legal duty to record all absences and to determine whether they are authorised or unauthorised.

If your child has vomited either at home or at school, you must allow 48 hours without sickness before returning to school.

Please ensure that we have up to date contact details for you and your child and notify the Office of any changes immediately.


The school has a policy for children who are left in school after the end of a school session. If a child is not collected for lunch; after 10 minutes they will be given a school lunch and a charge will be made. If a child is not collected at home time; after 10 minutes contact will be made with home. If a child is not collected 30 minutes after the school day ends and we have had no contact with you, the Local Authority are contacted.

Breakfast Club Provision

8am - 8.40am
KS1 chaperoned to class. KS2 children make their way to their classrooms.

To apply for Breakfast Club please collect a form from the School Office.

Places are limited and are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

All breakfast club places are FREE

Menu options:
- Daily Breakfast Special: Pancakes, omelettes, muffins, porridge or smoothie
- Toast or cereal
- Hot Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana or Chocolate Milk or Water

Games, craft puzzles and a variety of activities hosted by Miss Kath, Ms Holness and Mrs Kaur.