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Vision and Values in our Curriculum

TEACHING AND LEARNING: Our curriculum is built around our core school values.  It is planned carefully to ensure that all children are challenged, engaged and motivated to learn.


Inspire a love of learning with an innovative and engaging curriculum.

Build a strong community by understanding our impact upon a local, national and global society.

Celebrate our diversity by learning about different faiths and cultures and showing a respect for all.

Provide life changing opportunities by offering a range of engaging experiences, raising aspirations and encouraging lifelong learning.

Achieve in all areas of school life with a broad and balanced curriculum.


Our Behaviour Principles


1. This statement was written and approved by the Governing Body. It will be reviewed annually, in line with the Department for Education guidance, and in line with the school’s Behaviour Policy.

2. This statement has been drawn up in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, and DfE guidance Behaviour and Discipline in Schools, January 2016.

3. The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance for the Headteacher in drawing up the school’s Behaviour Policy so that it reflects the shared aspirations and beliefs of Governors, staff and parents for the pupils in the school as well as taking full account of law and guidance on behaviour matters. It is intended to help all school staff to be aware of and understand the extent of their powers in respect of discipline and sanctions and how to use them. Staff should be confident that they have the governors’ support when following this guidance.

4. The school’s Behaviour Policy is publicised to staff and families on the school website.

Guiding Ethos:
Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself


We take pride in being an inclusive and welcoming school in which:

  1. Every pupil has the right to flourish, learn and achieve success in a safe, caring, friendly, secure and happy environment.

  2. Every pupil understands and respects that they have the right to be heard, to learn and to be safe in body and mind, to be valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others.

  3. All members of the school community are free from any form of discrimination, and understand that bullying, harassment or discrimination of any description is unacceptable.

  4. Staff, volunteers and governors set an excellent example to pupils at all times.

  5. A positive learning culture exists where positive reward and encouragement and the building of self-confidence and mutual respect lies at the heart of behaviour management.

  6. School will work in partnership with children, parents and staff to uphold consistently high expectations of their behaviour and modelling at all times.

  7. Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used in a consistent manner by staff, in line with the Behaviour Policy.

  8. Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions.

  9. Restorative conversations and consequences enable pupils to reflect on and learn from a situation making amends wherever possible.

  10. Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life.

  11. The Behaviour Policy is understood by pupils and staff.

  12. The Exclusions Policy explains that exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in permanent exclusions and suspensions.

The Governing Body also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the full Governing Body annually.