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  • Our Curriculum:

  • Follows the National Curriculum for all subjects

  • Is planned to ensure a progression of skills and knowledge so that children are able to connect new and existing knowledge

  • Uses cross-curricular links to support children in making connections

  • Is adapted to meet the needs of our pupils

  • Raises aspirations through the provision of wider opportunities and experiences

  • Is designed to develop children’s understanding of the world beyond their immediate context

  • Contributes to pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development

For more information about our curriculum please contact our Curriculum Lead, Mrs Parr on: 01332 760070

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Art: Miss Kirk and Miss Wilson

Computing: Mr Amin and Miss Roome

D&T: Miss Ashraf, Mrs Fazal and Mrs Smith

English: Mr Decrean (reading), Mrs Smith (phonics) and Miss Wilson (grammar).

FS Lead: Mrs Roberts

Geography: Miss Morgan and Mrs Walker

History: Miss Buchanan and Mr Carr

Maths: Mr Carr

Music: Mrs Sandhar and Mr Telford

PE: Mr Dodes and Mr Kooner

PSHE: Miss Banham, Mrs Bates, Mrs Mann and Miss Williams

Religious Education: Mrs Anwar and Mrs Toor

Science: Mrs Coleman, Miss Doxey and Mrs Roberts

Spanish: Miss Booth and Mr Decrean