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Equality at Dale and Stonehill

At Dale Primary and Stonehill Nursery Federation we treat everyone fairly, celebrating difference and meeting different needs so that all members of our school community are free to live, learn and achieve their potential.

Our Equality Objectives 2021 - 2025

  • To improve staff and Governor understanding of equal opportunities and non-discrimination particularly with regards to statutory duties when teaching RHE

  • Increase the number of pupils with SEND participating in extra-curricular sports activities

  • Reduce the number of persistent absentees for pupils with EHCPs so that it is in line with national average (2018-19 ASP Dale EHCP persistent absence 23.1%, national EHCP persistent absence 19.8%)

  • To increase levels of parental engagement in courses and classes e.g. ESOL, PEEPs

Protected Characteristics

  1. Age

  2. disability,

  3. gender reassignment (transgender)

  4. marriage/civil partnership

  5. pregnancy/maternity

  6. race

  7. religion and belief
    (and having no belief)

  8. sex (gender)

  9. sexual orientation

Compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2010

This requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010

  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Steps Taken to Eliminate Discrimination
and promote equality of opportunity for all

We believe that it is our responsibility to promote equality and diversity wider than the nine characteristics (areas) covered by legislation.  We work to remove barriers and we will not unfairly discriminate on any grounds. Full details of our plan for 2021-2025 can be found in our Equality Objectives Grid.

Members of the school community effected by inequality

Our staff and governing body are fully representative of our local and surrounding communities. All members of the school community, governors, staff, pupils, parents and visitors all have a part to play in implementing the Equality Objectives and promoting diversity and equality across the school and nursery. We challenge inappropriate behaviour or practice to remove barriers and avoiding discrimination.