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The Governors and Staff of Dale Community Primary School welcome any suggestions or comments that parents may wish to make about any aspect of the School.  We continually strive to improve the quality of the education at Dale by frequently monitoring and reviewing School policies and procedures.  Parental involvement in this process is essential.  Please talk to us.  We will listen and act upon your suggestions.

Complaints may be related to:
- The curriculum
- Staff employed in School
- Policies and Procedures
- Health and Safety
- Pupils

If you have a problem or complaint, PLEASE TELL US: (t) 01332 760070 or (e) We will do our best to resolve it.  We solve the vast majority of complaints we receive on the spot, or during the day. In any case we aim to respond within 24 hours.

Your first point of contact should be the Class Teacher: She or he will offer advice as to who can deal with the problem. 
If required, bi-lingual staff are available to assist you. 
The class teacher or member of staff will record your complaint on an informal complaints form to be passed on to the Head Teacher.

If you are not satisfied, having spoken with the appropriate member of staff, please take up the matter with the Head Teacher. 
If the complaint is to do with matters of health and safety or is a complaint against a member of staff then please contact the Head Teacher directly.

SEND Complaints: If a parent/carer feels a concern has not been resolved then they may follow the school’s Complaints Procedure.
If there are any complaints relating to the provision for children with SEND these will be dealt with in the first instance by the Head Teacher.
The Chair of Governors may be involved if necessary. The SEND Code of Practice outlines additional measures the Local Authority must set up for preventing and resolving disagreements. These will be explained to parents if required.

Concerns about admissions, statutory assessments of Special Educational Needs, or school re- organisation proposals may be raised with Derby City Council, Corporation Street, Derby DE1 2FS, telephone 01332 640000.

Head Teacher and Safeguarding Lead - Louise Foster -
Deputy Head Teacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Alison Johnson -
Inclusion Manager and SENCO - Andrew Beattie -
Chair of Governors - Russell Langley - 01332 760070

UK GDPR and DPA Complaints:
All complaints should be directed to our Data Protection Officer. If any member of staff is aware that a person wishes to complain they should direct the person to the school website and complaints policy and form. Our Data Protection Officer is responsible for dealing with all complaints in line with this procedure.

The school complaints policy sets out the complaints process. This will be the basis for dealing with Data Protection Complaints and appeals. A written outcome will be provided.

If the school does not comply with a Subject Access Request within 1 month (subject to any extension), or refuses all or part of the request, written reasons will be provided, setting out the principles for the refusal. 

If you feel that the school/trust have not dealt with your matter satisfactorily you can complaint to the Information Commissioner

By post: Customer Contact, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
Or by email:

More information is on the ICO website


Complaints against the Head Teacher:
If you wish to make a complaint against the Head Teacher, the Chair of Governors should be contacted through the School. CLICK HERE to view all our policies, including our Complaints Procedure.