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Early Help for our Families at Dale and Stonehill:

Dale and Stonehill we want all our children and families to thrive.

Sometimes this means reaching out for help and support, either in school or from other organisations.

Our experienced Inclusion Team are on hand to help to co-ordinate any package of support required, whether large or small.

Every family face challenges. We are happy to work with our children and families to identify those who are in need of Early Help so that we can prevent issues escalating.

Children may be in potential need of Early Help if they:

  • have additional needs

  • are young carers

  • have low attendance or are frequently missing

  • are at risk of modern slavery, trafficking or exploitation, being drawn into anti-social or criminal behaviour or radicalisation

  • are living in challenging family circumstances. For example, drug and alcohol misuse, adult mental health issues and domestic abuse in the home

  • are misusing drugs or alcohol themselves

  • are privately fostered

  • have returned to their family home from care.

Early Help can come from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support your family. We will ensure we work closely with you to make sure you and your family get the right support at the right time.

We respect every family’s right to manage their own lives successfully, whilst guiding them to seek support from appropriate sources. We aim to:

  • provide help to all families as and when they need or ask for it

  • work with organisations to provide a way forward that is right for individuals and families

  • provide easy access to appropriate services

  • monitor families who may not want support but need it to keep children safe

  • support each family until they no longer need help

If you are worried about your child’s health, development, behaviour, or needs, please get in touch as soon as you can.

We are here to help CLICK HERE for more details>

You can talk to a member of our Inclusion Team who will support you with any concerns you might have and help you with next steps.

Click here for more contact information>

We have access to lots of different external groups and organisations and will assess every family’s needs on an individual basis.

Yes, but we would continue to monitor your child in school and would speak to you again if we had further concerns or support was required.

Working together is key. We will listen and ask questions to gain a better understanding of you wants and needs and provide a plan of action for any next steps, which will include supporting you to access the services that will be best placed to help you and your child. This might include:

Stay and play
Parenting groups
Parenting courses
Domestic violence support
Welfare Benefits advice
Adult learning
Housing advice
Debt management
Medical Help including: GP Practices, School nurse, Dental Services and contact with a Health visitor.

Our main aim is for you to become confident and able to take responsibility for your own family.

You can continue to use all services that are open to families for as long as you need, and if your needs change again, then please ask us for further/additional help.

Systems and Processes

It is important that we have systems in place to identify vulnerable children and their families.

Mrs Foster is our Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). She is supported by a network of highly-trained staff, including our Deputy DSL, Mrs Johnson and our Inclusion Team, led by our SENCO, Miss Doxey.

Our Safeguarding Policy gives details of our robust reporting processes and Safeguarding Training is non-negotiable for all staff.