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At Dale Spanish.png

Our Spanish Curriculum Leads are: Miss Cowley, Mr Decrean and Miss Plaza.
You can contact them on or call 01332 760070

What is Spanish.png

Hola, ¿cómo estás?

At Dale we teach Spanish as our modern foreign language. Children explore the Spanish language through reading, writing, speaking and listening and they develop their understanding of spelling, grammar and vocabulary over time, revisiting prior learning and building upon it.


In Spanish, children learn through a curriculum which has been carefully designed to give children opportunities to build upon their learning across the weeks and terms. The teaching of Spanish is developed across the four areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Year 3 - Children learn to ask and respond to set questions.

Year 4 - Children learn to discuss their likes and dislikes across a range of topics.

Year 5 - Children learn to discuss and describe their family.

Year 6 - Children learn to discuss what they would like in the future.

All year groups from Foundation Stage 2 through to Year Six have the opportunity to explore and celebrate Spanish culture in our whole school Spanish days. These days provide opportunities for children to fully emerse themselves in Spanish culture, with each year group focussing on a different Spanish speaking city or country. Children have the opportunity to explore the geography, art and music of their chosen locality.


Learning Spanish at Dale provides the opportunity for children to open their minds to the wider world and recognise their place within it. Communication is a key skill for all children, and learning Spanish allows the possibility of communicating with others in the world who do not speak English. This enables children to celebrate similarities and differences between ourselves and others in the Spanish speaking world.


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