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Our Governors welcome you to Dale and Stonehill. We work alongside the dedicated staff, to support with the management and development of both our school and nursery. We are responsible for setting general policy, adopting an annual plan and budget, monitoring the academy budgets and making major decisions about the direction of the school and nursery, capital expenditure and senior staff appointments.

Our Committees: Standards and Strategy; Behaviour and Safety; Finance and Personnel. Please see below for details of governors and their roles.

For more information please contact Dale on 01332 760070 or Stonehill on 01332 341636.

We currently have a number of Governor Vacancies at Dale and Stonehill. Please click on the VACANCY button to download our advert.

Russell Langley
Chair of Governors

William Griffiths
Co-opted Governor

Chris Pass
Clerk to Governors

Diane Williams
Vice-Chair of Governors

Ansar Mahmood
Co-opted Governor

Gurbinder Kooner

Louise Foster
Head Teacher

Shazia Maqsood
Stonehill Parent Governor

Ruby Mahmood
Dale Parent Governor

Kenton Black
Co-opted Governor

Claire Garrett
Co-opted Governor

Governing Structure:

Governor Attendance: